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Home Sustainability ESG Practice Governance

CTG’s continued success and global growth can only be sustained and guided by our core values of dedication, responsibility, innovation, and harmony. When we individually and collectively conduct ourselves honestly, fairly, responsibly, and with integrity in all our internal and external interactions, we uphold these values and focus on people and harmony.

CTG is dedicated to promoting sustainable development through environmental protection, economic growth, social progress, and professional training. In response to the increasing significance of these aspects in the economic and industrial worlds, CTG believes it is essential to promote a sustainable development policy to serve as a guide and reference for all staff and sectors where the group operates, both now and in the future.


CTG’s continued success and global growth can only be sustained and guided by our core values of dedication, responsibility, innovation, and harmony. When we individually and collectively conduct ourselves honestly, fairly, responsibly, and with integrity in all our internal and external interactions, we uphold these values and focus on people and harmony.

CTG is dedicated to promoting sustainable development through environmental protection, economic growth, social progress, and professional training. In response to the increasing significance of these aspects in the economic and industrial worlds, CTG believes it is essential to promote a sustainable development policy to serve as a guide and reference for all staff and sectors where the group operates, both now and in the future.

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Address :No. 1 Liuhe Road, Jiang'an District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China

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Copyright 2022-2026 - China Three Gorges Corporation.