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CTG hosts corporate open day event in Lima

Date: 2024-08-30

CTG recently hosted a corporate open day event in Lima, Peru,?where more than 60 employees of Luz Del Sur and their families?experienced featured activities such as tea tasting, Chinese paper cutting and Peking Opera performance.

During the event, participants explored Chinese tea culture, sampled traditional dim sum, made loong and panda papercuts, and watched Peking Opera performance presented?by CTG staff.

CTG also presented copies of the?Spanish version of the book "Beijing by Dragon"?to the Peruvian participants as a gift.

As a key part of the "Exploring the CTG, Experiencing China" themed Peru-China Cultural Month, the event received widespread coverage from various local media outlets, including?El Peruano, Lima Daily,?Radio Miraflores and TV channels.?

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By China Three Gorges Corporation

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CTG hosts corporate open day event in Lima

Date: 2024-08-30

CTG recently hosted a corporate open day event in Lima, Peru,?where more than 60 employees of Luz Del Sur and their families?experienced featured activities such as tea tasting, Chinese paper cutting and Peking Opera performance.

During the event, participants explored Chinese tea culture, sampled traditional dim sum, made loong and panda papercuts, and watched Peking Opera performance presented?by CTG staff.

CTG also presented copies of the?Spanish version of the book "Beijing by Dragon"?to the Peruvian participants as a gift.

As a key part of the "Exploring the CTG, Experiencing China" themed Peru-China Cultural Month, the event received widespread coverage from various local media outlets, including?El Peruano, Lima Daily,?Radio Miraflores and TV channels.?

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By China Three Gorges Corporation

Reprinting or mirroring is strictly prohibited without written authorization,

and offenders will be held liable.

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