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World’s largest clean energy corridor achieves record peak output of 70 mln kW

Date: 2024-08-13

Amid soaring temperatures and surging electricity demand across China, the world's largest clean energy corridor along the main stream of the Yangtze River had a record peak output of over 70 million kilowatts on July 31.

In particular, the Baihetan Hydropower Station along the corridor recorded an output of 16 million kilowatts, operating at full capacity for the first time since its launch.

The clean energy corridor comprises six cascade hydropower stations operated by CTG. As China is currently at a critical stage of flood control and navigating peak power demand, CTG will keep boosting clean energy supply while ensuring flood safety to meet people's needs for electricity.

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By China Three Gorges Corporation

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World’s largest clean energy corridor achieves record peak output of 70 mln kW

Date: 2024-08-13

Amid soaring temperatures and surging electricity demand across China, the world's largest clean energy corridor along the main stream of the Yangtze River had a record peak output of over 70 million kilowatts on July 31.

In particular, the Baihetan Hydropower Station along the corridor recorded an output of 16 million kilowatts, operating at full capacity for the first time since its launch.

The clean energy corridor comprises six cascade hydropower stations operated by CTG. As China is currently at a critical stage of flood control and navigating peak power demand, CTG will keep boosting clean energy supply while ensuring flood safety to meet people's needs for electricity.

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By China Three Gorges Corporation

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and offenders will be held liable.

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