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Anhui Fuyang South solar-and-wind-plus-storage base project

The project, located south of Fuyang city in China’s Anhui Province, has an installed capacity of 1.2 GW. It adopts a new power development model that combines wind power, solar power, and mining subsidence area treatment. CTG has implemented its floating PV technology on a lake formed from a former mine that collapsed beneath the surface.
The project comprises a 650 MW solar power station and a 550 MW wind farm. It will also build an energy storage power station to enhance power grid stability and overall power supply reliability.
The base project includes a 150 MW floating solar plant, the world’s largest of its kind, which was connected to the grid in 2021. It is projected that after construction, it will save around 630,000 tonnes of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 1.66 million tonnes per year, which is equivalent to planting about 6,100 hectares of broadleaf forest.

Clean Energy

Anhui Fuyang South solar-and-wind-plus-storage base project

The project, located south of Fuyang city in China’s Anhui Province, has an installed capacity of 1.2 GW. It adopts a new power development model that combines wind power, solar power, and mining subsidence area treatment. CTG has implemented its floating PV technology on a lake formed from a former mine that collapsed beneath the surface.
The project comprises a 650 MW solar power station and a 550 MW wind farm. It will also build an energy storage power station to enhance power grid stability and overall power supply reliability.
The base project includes a 150 MW floating solar plant, the world’s largest of its kind, which was connected to the grid in 2021. It is projected that after construction, it will save around 630,000 tonnes of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 1.66 million tonnes per year, which is equivalent to planting about 6,100 hectares of broadleaf forest.
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